Now I want to do something else.

I am also into photography, so besides this site I have an Instagram where I post pictures and such. Haha

Follow me if you want.

But I will now post a picture on my site here and I will also add a few artificial intelligence edits.

So that means my original picture will be taken into an AI app and I will show the results.

And no I am not going to use AI for writing. It is interesting to see how it goes tho, but I want my writings to be real.

And if I ever would I would specifically mention it, like I do now.

This is the original and now I will post 5 versions in different style and different criteria what the AI edit app made from it. The results is nice, I would never been able to edit it like them myself. And still it is very visible that this was the original photo.

So these are all computer generated, and I only put in the style and how much influence, and I chose Maximum influence from my own picture.

I hope you enjoyed it

Take care and tomorrow another writing will come.


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